Jun 16, 2020 · I was hacked. Changed the password, hacked again. Set up 2vp and changed the password, hacked again. Have been waiting for 9 days for amazons fraud team to contact me within 48 hours. Called them back, got told 48 hours again. My bank contested the charges, 9 days later still waiting for the 72 hour refund.

A reader reported his account was hacked yesterday morning and used to make a $5 purchase. He was online and quickly changed the password - "not sure if they got any of our personal information or not," he told us. Account hacking is not new, but he grew concerned when he tried to notify eBay and found no one available to talk to. Sep 09, 2019 · Users of eBay were left wondering whether or not the site has been hacked after the online auctioneer's logo was replaced with a picture of a naked woman. Baffled buyers and sellers took to social May 22, 2014 · BOSTON (Reuters) - EBay Inc said that hackers raided its network three months ago, accessing some 145 million user records in what is poised to go down as one of the biggest data breaches in This isn't your account being hacked, it is the ebay European sales booster (Webinterpret)!! I originally signed up for it but hated it, as it lists your items multiple times in different languages and is quite confusing. If the item sells, all listings will automatically end though. May 05, 2020 · Of course when there’s hacked Amazon accounts, if yours has had details changed then you need to know how to contact Seller Support when you can’t log into your Seller Central account. May 21, 2014 · EBay spokeswoman Amanda Miller said the company is asking all of its 145 million active users to change their passwords as a "precautionary measure," but is not sure how many accounts were

Sep 09, 2019 · Users of eBay were left wondering whether or not the site has been hacked after the online auctioneer's logo was replaced with a picture of a naked woman. Baffled buyers and sellers took to social

May 21, 2014 · eBay Inc has in the last few hours confirmed in an announcement that they have been compromised and that users will need to take action to protect themselves. The compromise, which took place There's a sneaky thing they'll do to you after your eBay account has been suspended. You see, eBay is well aware of what you are going through. They know that you are so desperate to get your account back that you'll do almost anything to be allowed to sell again. Mar 29, 2017 · eBay was hacked in 2014 and the site requested all users change their passwords. I did not, because I forgot eBay existed. There is a black market for selling website credentials. When a site like LinkedIn or eBay is hacked, the hackers can collect thousands (if not millions) of usernames and passwords which they then sell.

Jun 27, 2017 · You need to report to eBay Customer Service that your account has been stolen. Here is a direct link to report a hijacked account . This phone number is available 24/7, and usually has a short wait time.

Still winning items now (7 hrs on from original prob) but ebay then cancel that bid straight after. One of the most unpleasant things have been the really offensive emails from other ebayers - and I do mean really offensive - after ebay has told them that the account had been hacked. Anyone else experienced this, and any ideas with hotmail?? May 21, 2014 · Members of eBay are being made to change their passwords after a cyber-attack compromised a database containing user information. The US firm said a database had been hacked between late May 21, 2014 · Auction site eBay has urged users to change their passwords after suffering what may have been the biggest-ever cyber-attack when hackers broke into a database holding its 233m customers’ personal To sign up for an eBay account, all you need is an email address. Once your account is set up, you can buy, sell, and enjoy all the benefits of being an eBay member.