Uninstall STM32CubeProgrammer Ubuntu - ST Community

2020-3-29 · Uninstall an app on Ubuntu. To uninstall an app, we can use the apt-get command, which is also used to install apps, followed by remove. Of course, the sudo command needs to be placed before everything else to carry out superuser tasks. There are two options you’ll still have. How to Uninstall (or Reinstall) Windows 10’s Ubuntu Bash Shell 2020-5-11 · Windows 10’s new Ubuntu-based Bash shell doesn’t function like a normal program. To uninstall it or reset its state to get a fresh Linux environment, you’ll need to use a few special commands. Update: As of the Fall Creators Update, you can now uninstall Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution like a normal application. For example, to How To Uninstall Software On Ubuntu – Linux Hint Alongside the graphical method, you can also install and uninstall the app from your Ubuntu using the terminal. Some users may find it easy to uninstall apps from the terminal rather than Ubuntu Software; it all depends on the user. To uninstall the apps from the terminal, open the Ubuntu terminal by pressing the Windows key and typing terminal

Uninstall XAMPP. It is also important to learn how to completely uninstall and remove XAMPP from your Ubuntu system if you ever need to do so. Open your Ubuntu Terminal and move to the directory where XAMPP is installed. That is: $ cd /opt/lampp. The next step is to run the uninstall program you will find in the lampp folder through the

Ubuntu 卸载安装 node 和 npm - 简书 0x00. node 和 npm 卸载不干净 0x01. 安装最新的 node 和 npm 戳这里 0x02. 找不到 npm 0x03. 离线安装 node 和 npm 在 ubuntu卸载系统自带的videos等软件 - 知乎 2019-7-13 · Ubuntu卸载软件的命令是sudo apt remove --purge softwarenameubuntu系统自带的videos总是不能用,我就将其卸载了,然后下载了smplayer卸载videos# uninstall Videos 卸载videos sudo apt-get remove --purge tote…

2018-8-22 · Objective The objective is to install the NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux. This article will discuss three methods of Nvidia driver installation in the following order: Automatic Install using standard Ubuntu Repository

Completly uninstall nodejs, npm and node in ubuntu 14.04 2020-5-20 · I know this question has been asked many times but I couldn't still do it. So I wrongly installed "node" doing sudo apt-get install node And later I installed nodejs (v0.10.37). I tried to update to v0.12 with npm but it keeps saying 0.10.37 when I do the nodejs -v.Also, I can't use the node command since i wrongly installed the other "node thing" before. Uninstall STM32CubeProgrammer Ubuntu - ST Community I'm now trying to uninstall the programmer and it just spits out: The uninstaller has put a log file: /tmp/ izpack17414480030857294634. log; When I check the log, I get this everytime: 2019-06-22T12: 10: 16.790 Phase 1: JarFile: /home/ rho / STMicroelectronics / STM32Cube / STM32CubeProgrammer / Uninstaller / uninstaller. jar How to Uninstall (or Reinstall) Windows 10’s …