Your iPhone is connecting to Wi-Fi again and you can start browsing the web without using data! Don't forget to share this article on social media so your family and friends know what to do when their iPhone 8 Plus is not connecting to WiFi! Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any other questions you have in the comments section below.

Why you should never, ever connect to public WiFi There may come a time when your only option is an unsecured, free, public WiFi hotspot, and your work simply cannot wait. Warning: These 7 Public Wi-Fi Risks Could Endanger Your Rogue Wi-Fi networks. You and your team could be tricked into using a rogue Wi-Fi network set up … iPhone automatically connecting to Unsecured Wi-fi Feb 07, 2018

Sep 27, 2017

Mac is Not Connecting to WiFi or is Having Problems: How

Unsecured Networks. If the network you are connecting to does not use a password, the wpa_supplicant entry for the network will need to include the correct key_mgmt entry. e.g. network={ ssid="testing" key_mgmt=NONE } Hidden Networks. If you are using a hidden network, an extra option in the wpa_supplicant file, scan_ssid, may help connection.

Is It Safe to Use an Open Wireless Network?